Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pepa Loves!

Hi everyone! Today I am SO SO happy because I just opened a package I got from
Pepa Loves is a spanish site where you can find ADORABLE clothes *_* I think it just became one of my favorite shop EVER! So here are the 2 items i bought! A skirt and a top!!
Aren't they the cutest thing on planet earth? I think so!!! The fabrics are amazing and super original!!! They also sent me a tote bag with their logo on it, for free *_* super kind!!! I will definitely place another order as soon as I have some bling bling $$$ If you are interested visit Pepa Loves site and I'm sure you will fall in love with all their cute clothes! Have a lovely night! xoxo Roberta


  1. sai che non conoscevo questo brand? *_* mi piace un sacco! e ha pure prezzi abbordabili!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi!!! If you want like an S size, you should probably buy the 1 size! The 2 size is pretty big! And long!


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