This is #leaveamessage.
How does #leaveamessage work?
It’s very simple.
1. Take any blank slip of paper or card, or just download the one below:

2. Write a nice sentence on it, something you would like to read, for example. It can be an invitation to look at the bright side of life, a saying, a quote, even a forecast (a positive one, otherwise it doesn’t count! Not like Woody Allen: “You will meet your dream man”. Ha ha ha), or an invitation to make something good…whatever you like.
3. At this point, leave the message in places where it can be easily found ad read: a bus’ seat, the underground, a book in the library, a car’s screen wipes, a door, the mailbox, the gym locker, etc.
4. Now comes the best part. How would you know if your message had been found and read? Well, perhaps you’ll never know. Or perhaps you will, if you tweet or write on Facebook where you hid it adding the hashtag #leaveamessage and the name of your city.
5. When? The #leaveamessage day is Wednesday 14 December! This is the day when, if you feel like it, you could spread your positive message in the countdown to Christmas.
6. What’s in for you? Hum, let me think…nothing. There’s no sponsorship of any sort behind this idea, it is just something that popped into my head, so I spoke to other blogger friends and we decided to support it together.
The aim is just spreading some positive energy around, which is of no less importance! :)
7. When you have left your message, please send an email to Chiara with what you wrote. Everything will be published on THIS PAGE
Thank you Chiara for sharing this on your blog ^_^ and for the translation :D
@PolvereDiStelle ma grazie mille sei gentilissima!
ReplyDeleteHo partecipato al giveaway con mooolto piacere ^_________^
Ciao ! Mi piacce il tuo blog. Bacci da Portogallo!
ReplyDeleteBless you for your positive thinking!