Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ok, where to start????
Mmmmmmm as you can see i've been far from this blog a couple of months... it's just because I had to keep a secret ^_^ ihihihihiihih some of you may already know about it 'cause we're friends on facebook but... it's time to tell you all that....

^______________^ ihihihii hell yeah!
I still can't believe! Life's running fast and I'm already 15weeks+4!!!!!!
OMG! Crazy!
Let's start from the beginning!
Gianluca and I had the doubt I was pregnant 'cause I was feeling strange and my boobs hurt!!! So we bought the test and we waited until the day I should have "my period"...
...that morning I woke up SO early (like at 6 o'clock) and it was Easter!
I said to Gianluca: Ok, I'm going to pee on that test 'cause I can't sleep no more XD
I was so excited and curious about the result!
So I took the test and I did what I had to do... Then we did breakfast just to kill the time!
After that we runned in the toilet and we saw: PREGNANT!
We started crying with a face like this ^,_,^
Suuuuper happyyyyyyyyy! We were jumping up and down! Ahahhahaa
That day we went to my parents and the to Gianluca's parents to tell them about the news (I couldn't keep the secret just for me) and they all were SO happy!!!!!!
It was adorable!
After that it started a serie of TONS of things to do!
Doctor appointments, blood test, urine tests, bla bla bla! OMG I've never been so much at the doctor's office XD
But it's ok! Life is running so fast 'cause I always have so much to do and everyday I learn new stuffs about my body and about how crazy is pregnancy! *__*

The first 2/3 months were not so easy!
I vomited only 2 times but everyday I had sickness :s
The smell of food and stuffs was like: smellx100! :/
I didn't eat too much in the beginning! everything my boyfriend tried to cook for me, was disgusting to me at that time!Poor Gianluca :)
He has been SO patient! *__* (and he still is)!
Also I was always EXHAUSTED!
I haven't update my blog because in the evening I was SO tired I couldn't even turn on my computer! :S
I used to fall down on my sofa and fall asleep in 5 minutes XD
ahahahhhah... Gianluca spent many evenings all alone :( I am so sorry about it but he is so kind and he understand that it wasn't easy for me!
I haven't gained much weight by now but everything's fine! The doctor said it's normal and it could be because of sickness and the hot weather!
I should start gain some weight from now on! :)
My boobs are BIG! XD hell yeaaaaaaaaaaah! ahahahhaha! Big boobs! I never had some! let me enjoy these months!
In the last month I have to admit everything's going much better :)
My mood is more positive and I feel more active!
I also went to Korn and TAKE THAT show XD
(almost the same music ahhahhahahaha) I am having so much fun in this period of my life!!! I want to do as much as I can now that I feel good!
I'm happy about it because in 3 weeks I'm on holiday and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it! :D
I can't wait to be at the seaside *______________*
The cutest thing it happened until now was the view of this!

Isnt' that the sweetest profile EVER? Yeees it is *__* awwww
When I saw that little baby moving i realized i was going to be a mom *_*
Gianluca had tears in his eyes and it was a super emotional/funny moment 'cause that little thing was moving like crazy ahahahhahaha!
So, I want to celebrate with you all this amazing moment of my life! And what's better than... A GIVEAWAY?!

No rules for this giveaway! Everyone can join! It's just a way to thank you all for all the lovely comments you always leave on this blog and for the support! ^_^
One of you will receive this cute pink fluffy monster ^_^

The winner will be announced in the next post ;)
Ok, time to go to clean the house now ^_^
I promise i will start to take belly pics in the next few days ;)
For now I have a little belly bump :D
Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. Yay! Big congrats! Here's a fellow preggers. Love, Kat

  2. Congratulazioni e augurissimi per la bella novita'!!!!!
    Ciao Gio'

  3. Congratulazioni *________* e sei già così avanti coi mesi *_________*

    Sai, pure io all'inizio non mangiavo nulla, tanto che ero addirittura dimagrita. Però non avevo nausea o vomito: solo non riuscivo più a mangiare certe cose (per esempio la pizza non mi piaceva più. E solo l'odore del caffè mi disgustava. Pensa che anche oggi, a distanza di due anni, non riesco più a bere caffè).
    Dal quarto mese in poi ho cominciato a mangiare di più e ingrassare.. sono arrivata a +17 kg *_* ora sto ancora cercando di buttare giù i chili in eccesso.. me ne mancano ancora 3 e poi sono come prima *____*

    vedrai che bello avere un bimbo, sono così felice per voi! ma non voglio dirti bugie: sarà anche molto molto faticoso, la vostra vita cambierà moltissimo... ma lui (o lei?) sarà il vostro cucciolo bellissimo da accudire gelosamente *_*

    ancora congratulazioni!! E.. davvero ho vinto quello splendido pupazzetto? *_______*

    ps: sei passata a vedere il mio tattoo di Hello Kitty *_*? cerca qualche post indietro e dimmi che ne pensi! non è ancora completo però :-)

  4. I have to say again Congratulations! you're going to be the cutest family & I wish you all the happiness in the world <3


  5. Mentre che ci sono, immagino il mio commento faccia anche parte del giveaway, no? Però Lau dice di aver vinto, boh!

  6. Congratulations!! I'm sure it's gonna be a super cute baby c:

  7. CONGRATS!!!!! You're going to be such a fun mom!!

  8. Congratulazioniiiiiiiiii!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

  9. Wow that's a great news!! Molto funny questo post di annunciazione, mi piace...

  10. CONGRATULATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNSSSS!!!!ooooooooooouuuuuu!!! I am SO So SOOOO jealous! I really want a baby but it's not the time for us to do it, so I'll have to wait. I hope you post LOOOOOOOOTs of things about your baby please please please!!! :D i am so happy for you! although you are just a blogger I don't know way but it feels like I know you for real! hihihihi A huge kiss from Barcelona! muuuuuuuuuuua!

  11. awww, that is so damn cute!! congrats! I hope that everything´s gonna be fine, good luck sista!:D

  12. girl, I always keep you blog and flickr 'cause I enjoy its so much, and I'm not writing you for the giveaway, I just wanna tell you that I'm happy for you, and your baby will be so lucky to have a mom like you, so crazy, cute and kawaii :D


  13. Ahw congratulations! ^___^
    You're gonna be a super cool mommy!

  14. sono tanto felice per voi....
    i bacio e goditi ogni istante....
    Buona gravidanza tesoroooooooooooooo
    io la seguirò da qui...quindi vedi di postare tante foto ok?!!!

  15. yay!!! i love hearing about your story, it makes me so happy! wishing you have a great pregnancy experience and enjoy all of its perks (big boobs, etc.) LOL... there is no other feeling than knowing that you are creating life, it's the most beautiful thing! xoxo

  16. Che bello Roberta!!!!
    Sono felicissima per voi!
    un bacio
    sonia mia nipotina è nata il 4 gennaio ed è una testona assurda con un bel caratterino :)

  17. Oh mamma mia! ma che bellezza Roby!
    un bacio

  18. Come ti ho scritto su Facebook...Congratulazioni!! Sarai una super mamma stilosa, ne sono certa! ;)
    E partecipo volentieri al tuo giveaway!

  19. @Cupcakes

    nu è che io non sono proprio ferrata con l'inglese >.< mi sembra di aver capito che abbiamo vinto tutte no? T_T o ho sbagliato?

  20. Anche se non ci conosciamo, ti leggo sempre, o per lo meno, quando scrivi i tuoi bei post ^_^
    Quando ho visto le foto su flickr mi sono commossa, un bambino è.. è... semplicemente meraviglioso.. Tanti cari auguri di cuore a mamma e papà!

  21. Congrats! So cute! Enjoy this great time!

  22. youhouuuu congrats ^^
    soon a lovely kawaii baby will come!!

  23. Lau, nooo!
    Tutti possiamo partecipare ma ci sarà un solo vincitore e lo annuncerà nel prossimo post ;)

  24. Congratulazioni per il lieto evento!!!!
    sai già se è maschio o femmina???

  25. HII, I have not checked in for a long while on your blog and I am happy at this news for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! :) xxx


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)

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