Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday favorites

Hello sunday!
Here I am with some

This time it's all about KITTENS!
You know, i really adore cats (I have two :3) and I always serch on internet for cute kittens pictures! take a look at those *_*

Aren't they cute? *_* awww I would love to have tons of kittens!
All pictures are taken from weheartit
And this image talks about THE TRUTH!

Ahahhahahah! Please visit the blog catversushuman 'cause it's the cutest blog EVER!
Soon on this blog I want to do a GIVEAWAY ^_^
'cause I saw I have many new followers! :) cute!
for now I want to show you what I sewed today!

ihihihi it's a cute punk tomato!
I love it!
One last thing, my Russian Doll tattoo is completely healed and look at how cute it is!

I'm so happy with it! I already want another tattoo ahahaha!
I can't get enough!
Hope you're having a lovely sunday!
xoxo Roberta


  1. Your tattoo is looking really great!
    Even cuter than the kitties!

  2. Oh wow very nice your tattoo, now I really want another one.

  3. Ahahah Marthaamay thank you!!

    Caro I want another one too! ihihih!

  4. I will take cute pictures of kittens any day. :)

  5. aaaaawww TOO-CUTE!!!!
    I love cats! I'm gonna have a cat tattooed on my hip... don't look forward to it!!!
    Nice and funny illustrations :D

  6. hi!!! i have a question for you, could I possibly interview you for my art class?
    adrienne K.

  7. kittens!! I wish they stayed that small, mine are all big and lazy now lol

  8. Sono bellissime quelle foto e il fumetto è proprio una santa, santissima verità! la mia Ginger si alza sempre alle 5:30 e vuole che mi alzo anche io per giocare ç___ç no comment!

  9. aaaaawww TOO-CUTE!!!!
    I love cats! I'm gonna have a cat tattooed on my hip... don't look forward to it!!!
    Nice and funny illustrations :D

  10. Ahahah Marthaamay thank you!!

    Caro I want another one too! ihihih!

  11. Cool! the tattoo was really great.. love it.=)


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)

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