Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back from London!

Oh oh oh! hello everyone!
Did u miss me? Nooo? ^_____^
Yesterday i came back from London! :( it was so sad to leave that town!
I love London!
I had so much fun and i passed the best time with my boyfriend!
we did a lot of shopping and spent so many pounds XD
The weather was cool, just a little bit cloudy but no rain! :D
We did drink thousands of vegan frappuccino, bougth tons of vegan food and went to amazing vegan restaurants and fast food!
I also went to the sea here in Italy and I spent a great time with my boyfriend and with my best friends!
I really needed it!
I spent some time on the beach and teached my boyfriend to swim!
^____^ it was so funny! we laughed a lot!
Even though london was great i missed my town, my car and my house!
So it's cool to be here, in my messy room, with thousand of new clothes, plushies and shoes ahahahhaha!
I did a lot of shopping :D
that's my fav sport!
I still don't have the pictures 'cause my boyfriend still has to download them on the pc but i will post them asap!
I would like to show you the last work i did for!
It was the 5th challenge! and it was so fun to do!
I hope all of you will join the challenges ;)

I hope you like it ;)
On monday i go back to work :( holidays are already gone T_T
this is so sad! :(

Ok now I go to take a shower bye bye
see you soon!



  1. Bentornata!!!!
    Your album is so cute! I like it very much!
    Did you receive my sms? Was it your birthday, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?

    ciaociao, Kiotta

  2. yessssss, we miss you a lot!!!;-)
    Bentornata e complimenti per l'albumino, è bellizzimizzimooooo!!!
    baci baci

  3. che bello a londraaaaaaa
    immagino come eri bella tutta agitata in giro per la citt a fare folli acquisti...
    e l'albummino???favoloso...vado subito a sbirciare il sito...
    grande la roby...

  4. Ciao! E' la prima volta che capito nel tuo sito, e questo tuo ultimo lavoro mi piace moltissimo, pieno di dettagli! Complimenti!

  5. This is such an awesome little journal! What a great idea!

    So bright and happy and fun!

  6. Owwwwwww cute cute cute!Look at all those BamPop goodies!!
    yummo <3

  7. miiii questosi che è degno di essre un kawaii-album bravissima roby mi spiace solo non capire l'inglese e non poter che commentare le foto, ma perchè non traduci anche in italiano?

  8. This is such an awesome little journal! What a great idea!

    So bright and happy and fun!

  9. Owwwwwww cute cute cute!Look at all those BamPop goodies!!
    yummo <3


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)