Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fun pages!!!

Hellooooooooooooooooo my friends!!!
How are you???
The countdown for my boyfriend to come back is going to end! (finally on monday 23th he's coming back home!!!!)wooooooooow!
These days are so hot!!! OMG so much rain before, and too much sun now!!
ok I'm having fun a lot with the new size of pages I'm usig for scrapbook pages ;)
here they areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I hope they'll put a smile on your face ;)
This one was inspired by an Alanis Morrisette lyric "hand in my pocket", I'm not a fan of her but that album was not so bad!

This is about me and my boyfriend making the "Magnum" like Ben Stiller in Zoolander XD ahaushau

look, it's the same!
This one is about me making pin up pose ;)

and this is about 2 cool girls XD ahaha

this is about my meeting with other scrapbookers

And this is dedicated to 2 nice girls! Pallina and Sonia

Here we are, eating ice ice

And this is about love

Woooow what to say about those 2 sweet girls!!! I love them! Erika and Sissy

on wednesday I went to Pessy's house for dinner and we made cupcakes ^_^
ahahaha it was so fun! us+cupcakes+ashton kutcher on "the butterfly effect"
Nice evening ;)
I'm also very happy 'cause finally my new cute phone arrived and here it is!!!
I adore it!
Today I went shopping with my friends! all girls! what a wonderful day! I spent a lot of money!!! But you know....I miss my boyfriend ;)
ihihih! ok now I go to make some scrapbooking ;) hope you'll have a funny weekend!
lot of love!!!!


  1. OMG!! i love your style!!! and so many pages!!


    Muffin from

  2. wow you have been busy ...with all the layouts and ebay scores im sure you didnt miss your man too your bright funky work.
    it makes me happy happy joy joy

  3. ciaooooooooooooo le paginette le ho già commentate sulla gallery ;) troppo carine GRAZIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
    by paLLina

  4. lady, che belle queste pagine!!!!
    la prima mi piace in maniera particolare, fantastica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. complimenti Roberta, tutte bellissime! in particolare mi piace la paginetta di One hand in my pocket...azzeccattissima!!

  6. ciao roby mi piacciono tutte, in particolarer "magnum", p.s. anch'io ho visto zoolander fa morire dal ridere.....

  7. woaw!!! so much layout!! all so beautiful! I particulary love the second, so fun like zoolander!! I love this movie :-)))
    And you're cupcakes mmmmhhhhh......!!!!! I want oneeeee
    Bye honey!! xoxoxo

  8. Roby!!!!Ma quante belle paginette!!Io adoro Alanis Morissette, quel disco è il mio preferito in assoluto e la pagina che hai fatto è meravigliosa!!Grazie grazie grazie per la paginetta dedicata a me e pallina, è FANTASTICA!!!!
    un bacio e spero a presto!

  9. hey gorgeous girl,im loving all those layouts, i sware each one makes me more happier, with so much colour and fun.
    i didnt realise your bf is away i hope hes back soon, to cheer you upp!!

    and holy crap a gloomy bear phone?
    thats awesome.

    take care

  10. wow, i LOVE all the new layouts youve been making lately! They're always so colorful and fun, you rock! :D
    Im in LOVE with your new phone too, i want one! haha. just love your new pics, and your blog. thanks so much for linking me, youre linked to mine now too! :)
    Ill ttyl!

  11. ciao Roby ti ho assegnato un premio vai a vedere il mio blog....

  12. Che belle pagine!!! Roby io lo guardo sempre il tuo blog, ma non ho mai tempo di mettere i post!!! Sei bravissima!!! Spero proprio di rivederti in qualche meeting e mi dispiace un sacco che tu non sia venuta al pacs!!! Baci Dany.

  13. U have been one busy girl my little manga girl ..
    Its because he wasnt around and u were bored ha !!!
    I love every one of them u are amazing as always ..
    love ya

  14. Busy times for you I think what a lot of pages. Hope to see you soon. X Mika (

  15. Adoro tutte le tue pagine lo saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Ma io pensavo che il cel lo avessi da tempo!!! :o

  16. Hey, kawaï girl!!! you speak french, wow!!! and it's correct!!!
    kisses ;-)

  17. Ciaooooo, I'm back!!!
    what a FIGATA the telephone, and your LOs are so COOOL!

    1 Hug by Kiotta

  18. Rooooooobyyyyyyyyyy!!! a che super paginette! E ne hai dedicata una a me e Sissy! Sei superdolcissimaaaaaaaaa!!! Tanti baci e un mega abbraccio!!!

  19. Che belle pagine!!! Roby io lo guardo sempre il tuo blog, ma non ho mai tempo di mettere i post!!! Sei bravissima!!! Spero proprio di rivederti in qualche meeting e mi dispiace un sacco che tu non sia venuta al pacs!!! Baci Dany.

  20. Busy times for you I think what a lot of pages. Hope to see you soon. X Mika (

  21. wow, i LOVE all the new layouts youve been making lately! They're always so colorful and fun, you rock! :D
    Im in LOVE with your new phone too, i want one! haha. just love your new pics, and your blog. thanks so much for linking me, youre linked to mine now too! :)
    Ill ttyl!


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)

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