Friday, March 21, 2008

Vegan cupcake

So, yesterday I made my first vegan cupcakes!!!

At the beginning they were something like shit XD
ahahahah! then I tryed to change some stuffs and finally I got "THE PERFECT" VEGAN CUPCAKE!!!AHAHHA! It was so funny!!! My kitchen was completely dirty ahaahahahah (my mum wasn't so happy)

Anyway this is the result!

I'll make others for Easter (with my boyfriend's help ^_^)
Yesterday experience inspired me to make a very funny Layout for Mojo challenge!

I'm so satisfied and I smile when I look at this layout!
I also made another cool challenge "this is my pet...or not..." on thisismejournal!

Love it!!!
So friends, I wish you an happy easter!!!
and please DON'T EAT MEAT!!!!!


With love
Roberta <3


  1. I hear ya girl!! No meat for me...ugh!!!!

    Those cupcakes look yummy....I buy these awesome vegan brownies at a little cafe, they are da bomb!!


  2. Oh what a yummy looking cupcake...I had some vegan cupcakes with pink skulls on them the other day!

  3. Carinissimo il primo cupcake!!!! E la pagina è meravigliosa!!!!
    Devo provare assolutamente anche io... presto... ;)

  4. your vegan cupcakes seems so yummmy
    buona pasqua sister :-)
    ti penso

  5. Hihi, glad you liked the stuff! :D I so thought of you when i saw the stickers etc! I'm looking forward to get you card too!

    And sweet cupcakes!


  6. si ma la ricetta di questo cup cake? allora vieni anche tu a brescia con noi? che figata saremo una paccata di gente non vedo l'ora!!!!così magari riusciamo a fare anche 4 chiacchiere in santa pace!!!

  7. Vegan cupcakes! wow such a cool idea, glad they turned out well!
    Love the layouts.

  8. This is the cutest & sweetest post! I'm glad your vegan cupcakes turned out well! xo.

  9. Carinissimo il primo cupcake!!!! E la pagina è meravigliosa!!!!
    Devo provare assolutamente anche io... presto... ;)

  10. Oh what a yummy looking cupcake...I had some vegan cupcakes with pink skulls on them the other day!


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)