Monday, January 28, 2008

Amazing weekend

Hi guys! Today I'm damn happy 'cause my weekend was great!!!!!

Saturday we went to Bologna for an HC gig and I met lot of friends!!! it was funny (but the place was so full of smoking people :S)

Anyway! We slept to Ele and Nicola's house and sunday morning we went on the beach *_*

look at these beautiful pics!
Me and Ele
Me and my boy very proud of our new pins with our faces: I'm Hello kitty and he's Pandapple

Us eating vegan piadina =P
Our friends always have fun!!!! XD

My boy with new hair XD

...and Me too XD

we had so much fun!!!!

I also took a new LO for the scrapbookiando challenge

have a nice week ;)




  1. Ma che belle foto!!!! soprattutto quella in spiaggia! :)

  2. the pictures are so beautiful sister
    your week end has been beautiful!!! you are a lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. bellissima la foto in spiaggia ma strepitosi i capelli biondiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  4. Non sapevo che fossi passata da qui, altrimenti avremmo potuto vederci!!
    Complimenti per le foto. Buona giornata!

  5. Hello! I didn't see your hi to me on SiS until today, sorry! I seems like you had a fun weekend, nice pics! See ya! :D

  6. Hello! I didn't see your hi to me on SiS until today, sorry! I seems like you had a fun weekend, nice pics! See ya! :D


Thanx for your comment!! I read them all! :)

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